2024/25 WILD AAA Estimated Budget
2024/25 WILD AAA Projected Budget
Association costs: $57,000
- Tryout process including ice, combine fees paid to HEO, referee/timekeeper fees, jerseys and contact clinic: $36,000
- Administration costs including Team Snap, Zoom, Honorariums, bank fees and office supplies: $15,000
- Team costs, $1000 to every team for end-of-year closeout: $6000
Team costs: $643,000
- The cost of ice rental for the regular season is budgeted at $220,000 and can exceed 10% depending on the location and playoff success of the teams.
- HEO fees are a set cost across the league and are set at $57,000 for this year
- Coaches payment and tournament expenses are $188,000 for all 6 teams
- Player development such as Sens Skills, Titan performance, goalie development and any speakers brought in to educate our kids is set at $71,000
- Tournaments paid by the association (4 per team) $65,000*
- Social Media, team pictures and other digital creative $25,000
- Coaching development including apparel, trainers expenses and mentorship $10,000
- Timekeepers for the season $7000
Revenue for this year:
Player registration 105 players (U14 U15 U18 extra player) 105 X $6000 = $630,000 minus $3400 paid to each team with the extra player. Total: $619,800
Tryout registration was $88,000
Revenue – Minus Expenses
$707,800 – $700,000 = $7,800
*tournaments paid in the summer with the carry forward float (roughly $65,000)